Thursday, May 19, 2011

Do you coupon?

Do  you Groupon? Southersavers? Ebates? Do you get emails from you local grocery stores or follow the Grocery Shrink? Some say they don't have the time, others can't be bothered but the truth be told, it's worth it. Triple coupons. Can you beat that? I don't mind and extra $60 in my pocket, in fact that's what I saved on my last grocery trip with out even doing my best. Now I'm not the mom with the big photo album or base ball card album full of  coupons. I do however have an organizer and even print some out online. I compare prices and I am an Amazon Mom so I can get better discounts on my kid and mommy needs. I trade coupons with friends and shop on a need basis only. The hardest part for me is not the time for the coupon clipping, it's the fact that usually it's the junk food that is on sale not the healthy stuff. So even if you don't clip, click and print remember to check you prices per pound, remember that generic is usually just as good.

1 comment:


    Yes you have to scroll through it but this stuff is great to take with you on vacation or to try a product before you buy a gallon of it :)
